● 符合OEM工艺规范要求完备的表面处理能力:镀铬、镉、镉钛、镍、锌镍,以及铬酸阳极化、硫酸阳极化等数十种电镀能力。
● 化学和物理实验室具备完备的槽液检测和性能检测能力:化学滴定分析、光谱分析、氢脆测试(劳伦斯测氢仪、机械测氢拉伸机)、磨耗测试、盐雾测试、金相分析等。
● 无损检测和精密测量能力:磁粉、渗透、热损伤(酸蚀、巴克豪森)、三坐标测量等。
● 高精度的机械加工能力:数控车、镗、铣、磨、钻等。
● 其它工艺能力:褪漆、吹砂、喷丸、蒸汽除油、喷漆等。
● 波音737CL\NG、757、767、777、787。
● 空客A300、A320、A330。
● 支线和通航飞机起落架。
● 备用起落架及相关部件支持和交换服务。
● 现场支援:排故、无损检测、刷镀、阿洛丁、喷丸等。
Wuhan Hangda landing gear overhaul shop has rich landing gear MRO experience, based on the workflow design of high-standard facilities and various advanced equipments, all of these provide a solid foundation for landing gear "one-stop" MRO services:
● Surface treatment including Cr, Cd, Cd-Ti, Ni, Zn-Ni platings, and Chromic acid, Sulfuric acid anodizing and other dozens of electroplating processes.
● The chemical and physical laboratories are equipped with precision instruments and equipments for: solution analysis, spectral analysis, hydrogen embrittlement test (Lawrence hydrogen tester, Mechanical tension tester), abrasion test, salt spray test, metallographic analysis, etc.
● NDT and precision measurement: MPI, FPI, Overheat inspection (Nital etching, Barkhausen), CMM, etc.
● Machining: CNC turning, Boring, Milling, Grinding, Drilling.
● Other processes: Paint removal, Sand blasting, Shot peening, Degreasing, Painting, etc.
Hangda has the following MRO capabilities and service:
● Boeing 737CL/NG,757,767,777,787.
● Airbus A300,A320,A330.
● Regional and GA airplanes landing gear.
● Spares and Exchange service: Shipsets and LRUs.
● On-site support: Trouble shooting, NDT, Brush plating, Alodine, Shot peening, etc.